Just give them pictures

Published on Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Last night I spent a little time updating the Banshee Wiki with a new home page layout and a new screenshots page - it was time for a little change. The screenshots that had been there since August of last year were showing just the bare functionality of 0.9.2, so it was time to show off all the new things Banshee can do!

It's funny to compare the old with the new.

Speaking of new things, Lukas Lipka started working on a patch to bring child support to sources. This was the first step necessary to make top level sources (like an iPod) support playlists or other children. I committed his patch yesterday, so the next step will be playlist support for iPods. Hopefully I will be able to do more new development against HEAD soon, but I am still primarily focused on making the stable branch more stable :-)

Banshee showing child source support in main interface
The library now organizes local playlists as its children; these can now be sorted in the source view in either direction by size or name.

Banshee showing child source support in Mini Mode plugin
I patched the Mini Mode plugin to show child sources as well.

On the MonoDevelop front, Lluis has done some awesome work on the new menu designer. What's extra, extra special about this is that it uses the UIManager/Action/ActionGroup model instead of dumping a bunch of widgets into code like Glade does.