Aaron Bockover (Page 3)

Announcing Banshee 1.7.3

The Banshee logo We're very proud to announce the release of Banshee 1.7.3, which brings some much anticipated WebKit goodness: the Amazon MP3 Store and the Miro Podcast Directory integration. Amazon MP3 downloading is fully supported, separate from the integrated store itself. There are also a handful of other smaller new features and enhancements, and a good deal of bug fixing as well.


Tarballs - Why?

More and more I begin to wonder why we generate tarballs at all these days. Is it just because it's easy - a function of "make distcheck"? There's certainly value in the actual distcheck process to ensure you have a sane build, but why actually distribute the tarball? What's the meaningful difference between a tarball and a git tag?


Eclipse & Android SDK on openSUSE

I woke up at 6 this morning with the urge to investigate writing an Android application. I have been a mostly satisfied user of Android ever since the G1 was first launched. I even switched to T-Mobile to get one from AT&T. The sales person at the time was confused as to why I would switch carriers to get that phone.